To do this, follow the next instructions: First, you need to uninstall the current Google Chrome from your system.Here’s how you can easily uninstall the wrong Google Chrome version and re-install it with the correct bits. This can be due to originally having conflicting bit versions, for example, if you’re running a 32-bit operating system but installed the 64-bit version of Google Chrome. Some users have reported that simply reinstalling the 32-bit version of Google Chrome fixed their issues with the browser crashing. Method 2: Reinstall the 32-bit version of Google Chrome Click the Apply button and re-launch Google Chrome.Locate the “ Target ” line and type “ –no-sandbox ” at the end of the input field without the quotation marks.Make sure to stay on the “ Shortcut ” tab.” If you don’t have this shortcut, simply drag Google Chrome from your Start menu onto the desktop. Right-click on the Google Chrome shortcut in your desktop and choose “ Properties.You may become more exposed to online attacks and such, which makes this method work best in conjunction with active online protection. Warning : While disabling sandbox mode can easily fix Google Chrome, it’s quite risky.

Luckily, this can easily be fixed by making some adjustments to the way Windows 10 opens up the web browser.

Sandbox mode may crash your Google Chrome browser, especially if you’re using the 64-bit version. Method 1: Try using the no-sandbox flag for Google Chrome If you know anyone who’s experiencing issues with their operating system, make sure to recommend our website! We aim to make troubleshooting accessible, and you can help us achieve this goal. Tip : Most of these methods will also work on older operating systems such as Windows 8 or even Windows 7. We’ve compiled some of the most effective and easy to follow methods for resolving any issues with constant Google Chrome crashing on Windows 10. While there are many possible causes for this error to occur on your system, there are just as many solutions to get rid of it. Let’s begin right away! Google Chrome Crashes Quick Fix Guide Hopefully, you’ll never have to go through the devastation of Chrome crashes. In this article, we’ll be going through some methods to help you restore Google Chrome into working order. This issue can drive a person crazy, as the crashes may lead to loss of data, interrupt your entertainment, and make it impossible to browse the internet. Many Google Chrome users are reporting that the browser keeps crashing while they use it on a Windows 10 operating system.

However, despite its incredible success, it still gives its user-base some serious headaches. As of July 2019, it has been estimated that Chrome has a total of 71% worldwide browser market share on traditional PCs. Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers ever created.