Hunter F.6 – the display of the protection caps on the empty rocket launchers for the twin SRAAM weapon preset have been fixed.Wfr.Gr.21 – explosives type display has been fixed in the info card.Pe-8 – icons in the secondary weaponry menu have been corrected for 100 kg bombs.25mm M791 – initial velocity for the the M242 gun has been specified.Īircraft model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes.MLRS sight crosshairs have been specified after changes to the ballistic characteristics of rockets ( devblog).Vickers Mk.3 – gun depression angles over the engine compartment have been reduced.

Merkava Mk.3D – description of the bulkhead between engine and combat compartments has been corrected.Сromwell V (RP-3) – incorrect rocket depletion order in xray mode has been fixed.Leopard 2K – rubber-fabric mudguards have been added to the damage model.Type 60 ATM – crew number has been corrected in the info card.M41A1 (SDF) – aiming speed of the anti-aircraft machine gun has been increased and brought in line with that of the M41A1 in the US branch ( report).Type 87 – “Adjustment of fire”module has been added.ZSU-37-2 – NVD has been added for driver and commander.Chieftain Mk.10, Striker – “Late two tone” camo is now available for completing tasks, similar to other later British ground vehicles.Ground vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes: A bug has been fixed with missing grass on any graphic presets available on the Linux version.A bug has been fixed that resulted in incorrect range correction at nearer distances in Naval battles: rotating down in some cases increased correction, rotating up decreased it.