Below is a list of all fixed locations of Locksmith's Reader skill magazines.

After finding them with the GECK, I decided to post them here.

Italics denote consumables available through add-ons. There remains several unused assets for a vision effect that would have allowed the player to see in the dark, albeit with a blue tint over the screen, when crouched. Currently the DD 1172-2 feature is ONLY available to customers that have a CAC card. ID Célibataire endurci Cherchez la femme: 2 En combat vous infligez 10% de dégâts supplémentaires aux ennemis du même sexe que vous. Pour une vue d'ensemble du contenu de Fallout: New Vegas. Locations Generally sold by any vendors selling chems., Can be found across the Commonwealth. Robco Certified (OMG this makes the Automatron DLC for FO4 look like child's play. Vous aurez parfois accès à des dialogues uniques lorsque vous parlez à des individus du même sexe. player.removeperk - Take the ID'd perk away. Signing a DD 1172 must be done in person during the appointment. Should this be included in the article? New Vegas. A mellow Fallout: New Vegas Let's Play with no yelling (from me) and no V.A.T.S. 3 NCR Bills 3 Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Bottle Caps! tav speedmult X - Where X is your speed percentage. The active ingredient is a powerful nootropic that increases memory related functions, and speeds other mental processes. This page was last edited on 4 February 2018, at 21:51. Duration this chem is listed as 2 minutes in the consumables section.